1. Name of the application provider, etc. that acquires the information
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (hereafter, “VoiceTranslator”)
2. Items of information acquired
Voice and text entered into “VoiceTranslator,” translation results, terminal information (including the unique ID), communication history, application operation history, and user location information.
3. Specification/express indication of the purpose of use
The information is acquired for research and commercial purposes of voice translation.
4. Method of notification/public announcement or obtaining consent, method of involvement of users
The method is indicated in the consent form when the application is started for the first time. The application cannot be used without consent to the conditions described in the form.
5. Whether the information is sent externally or offered to third parties, or an information collection module is included
In order to process speech recognition and synthesis for the trial versions, the input speech data and the texts of the translation results are transmitted abroad to the organization in charge. The acquired data will not be directly released or offered to third parties except for the organizations in charge of the trial versions. Statistical information may be offered to third parties.
6. Contact information
7. Procedures when the privacy policy is changed
Users are required to give their consent to the conditions described in the form when the application is updated.